If you need to cancel your appointment with us, we request the courtesy of at least a 6 hour window of notification. Please call (216)713-1644 and leave a voice mail or email us at info@bodhitreecle.com if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment. Our policy for appointments cancelled within the 6 hour window and for no shows is that the client is responsible for 50% of the service fee in order to compensate the therapist. Thank you for your understanding.
1. Please arrive 10 minutes early to maximize the benefits of your session.
2. Sessions begin and end at scheduled times. Sessions that begin late because of client late arrival will result in a shortened hands-on session. The amount of time arrived late will be deducted from the actual session (i.e. if client arrives 8 minutes late, the hands-on session will be deducted by 8 minutes.)
3. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Massage sessions are not of a sexual nature. Sexual or provocative behavior during a massage session is always unethical and inappropriate. Such behavior will result in immediate termination of the session with payment due in full. Future appointments will be denied.